Performance Measurement
The Performance Indicators Group, which specializes in the measurement of performance indicators, establishes a performance measurement methodology based on the approved global methodologies, which helps to measure the success of the organization in achieving its objectives and developing its business according to the following stages
Building improved models
We build improved models to document indicators, benchmarks and targets for strategic objectives, initiatives and programs
Establishment, establishment, development and supervision
Establishing, establishing, developing and supervising performance measurement offices. We provide this service through three main phases, allowing our customers to choose the implementation of the overall performance measurement system or to choose the stage they need.
Identify methods and methods of review
Methods and methods for reviewing the results of indicators and designing and reviewing the results of the indicators are also identified in periodic performance review meetings
the challenge
Establishing a professional system for measuring organizational performance, ensuring follow-up to the achievement of strategic objectives and initiative, and corporate performance governance.
1. Building an organizational framework to activate and monitor performance indicators. ⎫ Development of the work policies of the planning system and performance measurement.
2 - Develop communication plans and change management to activate measurement and follow-up performance.
3 - Development of the dashboard performance indicators for the relevant departments.
4. Identify and analyze risk areas and identify indicators and plans to deal with them.
5. Suggest target levels and warning for each performance indicator.
6. Constant awareness and dissemination of knowledge related to success and successful experiences in the development of performance.
1. Ensure the success of the Strategic Plan.
2. Corporate Performance Governance.
3- Professional working mechanisms for measuring and monitoring institutional performance.
4 - easy to link development initiatives with available financial budgets.
5. Enhancing transparency and accountability.
6. Outstanding institutional reputation.

Our service strategy
Our strategy is in the following stages:
1. Create and establishment
- Design organizational structure for the office / performance measurement unit.
- Development of Policies and Procedures Manual.
- Develop the models used in the performance measurement process used in the office management processes.
- Developing the work policies of the planning system and measuring performance.
- Setting timetables for performing periodic reviews of performance to cover all departments, sections and subsidiaries according to the approved structural sequence.
- Setting the agendas of periodic performance review meetings.
- Train and qualify the staff of the performance measurement office and provide technical support to them.
- Develop communication plans and change management to activate performance measurement and monitoring.
- Establishing a knowledge library to improve the performance of the institution.
2- Upgrade
- Development of the system of measuring performance, the area of work is as follows:
- Develop the operational objectives of the relevant departments.
- Developing the indicators of performance indicators for the relevant departments.
- Develop a list of evolutionary initiatives with priority setting.
- Identify and analyze risk areas and identify indicators and plans for dealing with them.
3- Supervision
- Supervising the Office of Management and Performance Measurement. The field of work is as follows:
- Develop and publish performance measurement reports and indicators.
- Ensure compatibility between the main business units at the level of planning and performance measurement.
- Suggest target levels and warning for each indicator.
- Ensure that development initiatives are linked to the financial budget.
- Organization and management of strategic review meetings.
- Constant awareness and dissemination of knowledge related to success and successful experiences in performance development.
- Develop mechanisms to activate the measurement of indicators and develop the forms of periodic reports and types of analysis used in the analysis and evaluation of performance gaps.
- Review the reports and ensure their completeness and accuracy of the numbers before they are presented at the periodic review meetings.
- Making the required changes to design performance indicators.
- Provide advice and guidance to senior management on the development of performance and the identification of development solutions.
4- IT Solutions
It offers a range of electronic solutions that the organization can choose from, and electronic solutions ensure the effective implementation of monitoring performance indicators
5- Awareness and training
In addition, awareness and training programs are provided to spread the culture of performance measurement and provide managerial leadership with the skills to follow up and activate performance indicators.
6- Consulting support
In order to ensure that the institution continues to implement its strategy optimally, the consultant team will provide support for a period of one to three months, through a series of field visits to assess the implementation of the indicators and the challenges facing implementation and provide the advisory opinion for improvement and development.
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